Nostalgia Finds a Way: ‘Dinosaur Island’ and the power of memory

The lights hum overhead as they flicker to life, illuminating a sea of grey and blue plastic. Rows of mid-90s Macintosh computers sit upon long tables, quietly promising an hour of uninterrupted game time. Thursdays in grade school mean a class trip to the computer lab, a cherished pastime for young kids such as myself […]

Cardboard Addiction: Snake Oil

By Sam Desatoff If you’re like me, and I’m so sorry if you are, you’re tired of that little naked monkey darting about your house. It wouldn’t be so bad, except she’s not wearing any clothes. The late night screeching you can handle, and the inordinate amount of airborne feces is tolerable, but damned if […]

Cardboard Addiction: Yardmaster Express

Pocket Trains By Sam Desatoff Portability in board games is a strong selling point for me. Games like Jaipur, Sushi Go!, and Star Realms have been finding more play lately thanks to their size. They take up minimal table space, making them ideal for play at parties, restaurants, parties at restaurants, a doll’s table, the […]

Cardboard Addiction: So Many Games

I have a problem, and it’s made of cardboard. Like most kids, I grew up on family games like Monopoly and Sorry and absolutely lost my shit when someone landed on a property I wanted or bumped me off the board. We played Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, Scrabble, and a dozen others, and I had […]